Pre médiá/For media

Vážené médiá,

Sme pripravení Vám odpovedať na Vaše otázky, postrehy a požiadavky. Budeme povďační za každý Váš príspevok, článok, zdieľanie nášho pestrého regiónu Šariš.

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Dear media,

We are looking forward to answer your questions, remarks and requirements concerning our Region Saris. Will be grateful for any presentation, sharing and advertising. You are very welcome to visit our colourful Region Saris.

Please feel free to contact us :


Welcome to the official travel trade site of Region Saris travel professionals.

We are working hardly to offer you as much information about our undiscovered region as possible.


Region Saris are part of Slovakia in the heart of Eastern Slovakia.

We are a picturesque undiscovered place for those who:

  • go where everyone else doesn´t go
  • travel the world to experience something different, to come back with stories and secrets to share
  • searching the history with medieval castles to return in time
  • love places with traditions, specific language dialect with singularity, gastronomy passed through generations, ethnic folklore with colourful temperament and happiness

So explore! You are very welcome!

We are at your disposal to recommend visiting a small region, in a small country with a big heart, to provide you with itineraries, maps, guides, accomodation, transfers, videos, images and all the contact information you need, so we can help you help your clients. Please feel free to conatct us: 

We might not be the first place you think of travelling, but it’ll be the first place you tell your friends about.

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