Židovská synagóga Raslavice
Synagóga sa nachádza v strede obce Raslavice, severne od hlavnej obecnej cesty. Židovská obec zažívala svoj najväčší rozmach v obci v polovici 19.storočia, keď bola sídlom rabinátu, v tom čase mala asi 270 členov. Do konca storočia sa však väčšina odsťahovala do väčších miest. Súčasná budova synagógy bola postavená v 30. rokoch 20. storočia na […]
Synagóga Pečovská Nová Ves

Murovaná židovská synagóga sa nachádza v strednej časti obce, severne od štátnej cesty, na konci pôvodnej parcely prízemnej kurie, ležiacej pri hlavnej ceste. Značne rozmerná synagóga bola vybudovaná v polovici 19. storočia (zachovala sa aj zmienka z roku 1868). Výstavba zrejme trvala viac ako rok, keďže na mape z roku 1869 ešte nie je zakreslená […]
Chapel of St. Kunhuta, Veľký Šariš

Late Gothic single-nave chapel with a polygonal-shaped presbytery and a roof turret in the west. The early Baroque Chapel of St. Elizabeth dates from the end of the 17th century. It was built on the grounds of the Augustinian monastery sometime after 1544 using the wall of an older building (it now forms the lower […]
Chapel of St. Elisabeth, Veľký Šariš

The early Baroque Chapel of St. Elizabeth dates from the end of the 17th century. It was built on the grounds of the Augustinian monastery sometime after 1544 using the wall of an older building (it now forms the lower part of the western wall of the building). During the construction, builders used material from […]
Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary Hanušovce

Roman Catholic Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Roman Catholic Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary was built in the middle of the 13th century probably by the Order of Saint John, as evidenced by their coat of arms (a double cross on a boat) on both sides of […]

Prešovská Kalvária vznikla začiatkom 18. storočia, pôsobením jezuitov v období rekatolizácie z iniciatívy Spolku umierajúceho Krista. S výstavbou prvých sakrálnych objektov sa začalo r. 1720, ale niektoré kaplnky krížovej cesty sa budovali ešte aj v 19. storočí. Ako prvá bola na jeseň r. 1721 posvätená kaplnka Krista na Olivovej hore a kríž. Dominantou Kalvárie je […]
Basilica of St. Giles

The beginnings of the temple date back to the 13th century. The patronage of the temple dates from this period, as well. Around 1206, Cistercian monks from Koprzywnica, Poland, settled here and founded a monastery dedicated to St. Giles. Royal deed from 1247, by which King Béla IV confirmed the Order of Cistercians their large […]
Church of St. Martin in the town of Lipany

Gothic church with the altar made by Master Paul of Levoča. Church of St. Martin was built at the turn of the 13th and 14th century in the late Romanesque style in the centre of the then settlement. It was consecrated to St. Bishop Martin of Tours and was a property of the lords living […]
Wooden Church of the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Miroľa

The wooden Greek Catholic church in Miroľa was built on a dominant plateau in 1770. It is dedicated to the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was built from logs in the style of Lemkos and is divided into three parts. The church uses Slavonic as a language of service. The stepped pyramidal roofs […]
Wooden Greek Catholic Church of St. Paraskieva, Vyšná Polianka

The wooden church in Vyšná Polianka was built in 1919 on the site of the original church from 1810 which was destroyed during the First World War, probably by the passing army. The original church was consecrated to St. Paraskieva. The current temple is smaller in size and much simpler in architecture than the original […]
Wooden, originally Greek Catholic Church of the Protection of the Blessed Virgin, Varadka

The original wooden Greek Catholic church in the municipality of Varadka was built in the second half of the 18th century and was dedicated to the Protection of the Blessed Virgin. There are two theories about its demise. The first says that the temple was destroyed in the First World War. The other story claims […]
Wooden Greek Catholic Church of St. Nicholas from Zboj, Bardejovské Kúpele.

The Greek Catholic wooden church of St. Nicholas is considered one of the most beautiful wooden churches built of logs in our territory. It was built in 1775. During the Second World War, the municipality of Zboj was at the center of the fiercest fighting (the wooden churches fell victim). After the war, the locals […]