Military bunkers – dogouts (zemľanky) in Vyšný Komarnik

Military bunkers – dogouts (zemľanky) in Vyšný Komarnik

Dugouts (zemľanky) – military bunkers. Under the Mativka hill in Vyšný Komarnik there are 19 military bunkers of the 3rd Czechoslovak brigade which are part of the National Cultural Monument Dukla.
In the period from 18th -24th November 1944, the brigade was stationed in these dugouts. From this place the brigade organized and directed the fights for the eastern part of the Carpathians, ensured cooperation with neighbouring Soviet troops and protected the left wing of the Czechoslovak Corps of the Soviet Army. Dogouts were able to shelter 8 to 10 soldiers each. Thanks to the project Museum Exposition in Nature – Restoration of Bunkers of the Czechoslovak Brigade, the municipality restored 16 of these military bunkers.


Access to the bunkers is easy, just follow the forest path.

How to get there

Heading towards the municipality, take the turn from the main road – military bunkers are up the hill.



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