Demjata Hills – Vápeníky is a nature reserve under the administration of the state nature protection Prešov.
The nature reserve is located in the cadastral territory of the municipality of Demjata, Veľký Slivník in the district Prešov in the Prešov Region and protects the thermophilic vegetation (several rare plant species) growing on the limestone in the ridge zone in the eastern part of the Šariš Highlands and nearby paleontological findings. It is a nature reserve formed by limestone hills scattered around the agricultural landscape surrounded by flysch highlands. Thermophilic and drought-loving plant communities love the local easily heating substrate. There are also some rare trees growing, like cornelian cherry dogwood, common barberry, checker tree, also some rare herb species like rare flax (Linum tenuifolium), greater pasque flower, (Pulsatila grandis), blue daisy bush and snowdrop windflower and Echium rubrum – the northernmost locality of its occurrence in Slovakia.