Renaissance bell tower

The Renaissance brick bell tower in Sabinov dates from 1657. It was modified at the end of the 18th century (in Baroque style) and in 1972. The four-sided tower with two storeys and a corner reinforcement leads from the ground floor to the crown ledge as a straight attic. It originally had labels, but these were removed from the attic roof. The bell tower has small portal avant-corps with a triangular gable on the east side and a marble slab with a coat of arms and an inscription dating from 1657 is placed diagonally above it.


Zvonicu nájdete pri Kostole Nanebovzatia Panny Márie v pamiatkovej zóne v centra mesta.



Events in Šariš region

Koncert, Tradície

Friday, January 3, 2025

Sabinov, Slovensko