Červenica Manor House near Sabinov

Classicist “Szirmaý” Manor House Červenica The building was declared a National Cultural Monument in 1963. Originally a Renaissance building, the manor house was built around 1600. It was later re-build in the Classicist style in the first half of the 19th century. Minor repairs took place in 1945 and in 2008. This single-storey building has […]

Semsey Manor House, Demjata

The Semsey Manor House Demjata The municipality of Demjata stands on the site of an old village dating back to the 12th century. In the 13th and 14th centuries Demjata was ruled by the owner of the Šariš Castle. In the next 4 centuries the municipality belonged to several noble families – in the 15th […]

Manor House, Želmanovce

The Classicist manor house of the Banó family – Želmanovce The Classicist manor house was built around 1820. It is a ground-floor block building with a columned portico on the main façade. The portico consists of four Doric fluted columns and is topped by a triangular tympanum with a stylized stone relief featuring the family […]

The “Bornemisza” Manor House, Pečovská Nová Ves

Art Nouveau manor house Pečovská Nová Ves The first written record on the municipality of Pečovská Nová Ves dates back from 1319 (Wyfalu). Until 1322, the municipality was a royal property. Later on, it was owned by the nobleman Mičko, who built his seat high in the Čergov mountains. Thanks to advantageous marriages, Pečovská Nová […]

The “Ringov” Manor House Pečovská Nová Ves

The Renaissance Manor House of the Péchy family “Pečovská Nová Ves“ The first written record on the municipality of Pečovská Nová Ves dates back from 1319 (Wyfalu). Until 1322, the municipality was a royal property. Later on, it was owned by the nobleman Mičko, who built his seat high in the Čergov mountains. The castle […]

The “Kornheizer” Manor House Pečovská Nová Ves

The late-Baroque manor house of the Péchy-Kornhaizer families – Pečovská Nová Ves The manor house is one of the largest manor houses in Pečovská Nová Ves. It was named after its last owner – the Jew Adolf Kornhaizer (popularly known as “Koneiser”). The manor house is a Baroque-Classicist single-storey building with a late-Renaissance core. Rebuilt […]

The “Mariassy” Manor House Pečovská Nová Ves

The Baroque manor house of the Mariassy family – Pečovská Nová Ves Over 500 years of the existence Pečovská Nová Ves, several mansions and manor houses have been built there. Even though many of them were demolished over time, fortunately, hidden behind the greenery of the side street still stands a ground-floor Baroque manor house […]

Baroková kúria Brezovica

V bývalom mestečku, ktorého väčší rozvoj nastal predovšetkým od 15. storočia, bolo kedysi neuveriteľných 7 kúrií, renesančný kaštieľ zo 17. storočia a nachádzala sa tu aj synagóga. Dnes sa zachovali štyri kúrie, ktoré patria do zoznamu NKP. Na západnom okraji rozšíreného námestia stojí nápadný prízemný objekt s vysokou strechou. Pôvodne stál objekt samostatne, zakomponovaný do […]

Mansion, Pečovská Nová Ves

The Classicist Mansion Pečovská Nová Ves The Classicist mansion (last owner being Elemír Péchy), which is the oldest historical monument in the municipality, was built by Gabriel Péchy. You will not find the same building anywhere in Central Europe. It is a single-storey building with a rectangular floor plan with two flat risalits in corners […]

Manor House Kuková

Rococo-Classicist manor house of the Bán family – Kuková In the municipality of Kuková there is a remarkable Rococo-Classicist manor house built between 1770 and 1780. The manor house belonged to the Bán family who lived in Kuková from the 16th century until 1945 and owned almost half of the municipality’s area including a distillery. […]

Manor House Ličartovce

The Eclectic Manor House of the Piller family – Ličartovce Ličartovce is one of the oldest Slovak municipalities. Its existence dates back to 9th -11th centuries. The dominant feature of the municipality is the manor house build on the remnants of the old building built by local landowners. It was rebuilt in a Baroque-Classicist style […]

Manor House, Zborov

Renaissance manor house Zborov – Šerédy family The municipality of Zborov used to be a part of the Smilno estate and in 1414 it got under the wings of the Makovica estate. The manor house was owned by the Cudarov family, the Rozgonyi family, later the Serédy family, and in 1601 the Rákóczi family. The […]