Wooden Greek Catholic Church of St. Paraskieva, Vyšná Polianka

The wooden church in Vyšná Polianka was built in 1919 on the site of the original church from 1810 which was destroyed during the First World War, probably by the passing army. The original church was consecrated to St. Paraskieva. The current temple is smaller in size and much simpler in architecture than the original one.

It is a small log building with three rooms, one tower and two crosses. The tower rises from the vestibule. Originally, the tower housed three bells, now there are only two.

The iconostasis is of no great artistic value.
The exterior of the temple was renovated in the 90s of the 20th century. The last renovation took place in 2004.


Gréckokatolícky farský úrad
Mikulášová 6, 086 36
tel.: 054/3810894, 054/4799159
mobil: 0915 552 935, 0911 912 362

nedeľa: o 8.00 hod., nasledujúci týždeň 9.30 hod., cez sviatky

Zdroj: www.drevenechramy.sk

Foto: Henryk Bielamowicz

